Javanese Mantra
Course Outline for “Javanese Mantra Magnetism” Course Introduction: Welcome to the Javanese Mantra Magnetism course, an ancient and powerful technique designed to help you tap into the universal energy forces and heal your life. Under the guidance of Saket Rai, a Grand Master in Mantra Magnetism, this course offers students an opportunity to learn how to utilize mantra-based energies for personal healing and growth, as well as help others by acting as a channel for universal divine energies.
Course Overview: 1. Introduction to Mantra Magnetism o Understanding Mantra Magnetism and its ancient roots. o Exploring the connection between cosmic energy and daily life. o The history of Franz Anton Mesmer and his contribution to energy healing and mesmerism. o The significance of the magnetic body and its role in influencing other people’s magnetic fields. 2. Energy and the Human Body o The concept of energy in the body: Chakras and their role in physical, mental, and emotional health. o Detailed overview of the 7 primary chakras and their impact on life: Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Chakra Crown Chakra o How chakra imbalances affect health, relationships, and wealth.
- Any one Can do it to improve life , health and wealth , Love and Wealth and Money
- Get Initiated into Ancient Javanese systems
Target audiences
- Everyone Above the age of 18 years